Inclusion Policy
Inclusion Policy
Statement of Intent
Romerike International School’s policies promote inclusion that closely follows the IB Publications: MYP: From Principles into Practice (2014), Making the PYP Happen: A Curriculum Framework for International Primary Education; Learning Diversity and inclusion in IB Programmes (2016) and Program Standards and Practices (2014). The rationale for this policy is to increase student access to the curriculum and to develop inclusive learning communities that embraces diversity and differences. RIS believes that all students have the right to an education that is adapted to meet academic and personal challenges while providing opportunities for students to utilize their strengths and abilities. All teachers are inclusion teachers.
Relevant laws and guidelines
The Norwegian Education Act, Chapter 5 (Opplæringsloven §5) entitles all students who do not benefit from the ordinary lessons a right to special education. Students who receive special education are entitled to the same amount of teaching hours as other students.
- Norwegian Education Act / Opplæringsloven §5
- The Independent School Act (Friskoleloven) §2-3, §3
- Regulations to the Independent School Act (Forskrift til Friskoleloven) Ch. 3 ● Rundskriv F-12/2006, pkt 1.2 side 2
- Forvaltningsloven kap VI (Om saksforberedelse ved enkeltvedtak)
- Guidelines for Special Education (Veileder til Spesialundervisning)
- Håndbok for Spesialpedagogisk Arbeid
Romerike International School endeavours to ensure equitable access to learning for all students in our school. RIS is committed to identifying and removing barriers to learning. Diversity is seen as a valuable contribution in our school community and we aim to utilize this diversity to deepen understanding in any learning context. At RIS, each individual has value and is given the opportunity to contribute. This way, we aim to increase access and engagement for learning.
According to the IB:
“Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers. Inclusion is an organization paradigm that involves change. It is a continual process of increasing learning and participation for all students. It addresses learning support requirements and questions the broader objectives of education, the nature of pedagogy, curriculum and assessment. It is an educational approach to which all schools should aspire. Inclusion is facilitated in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem-solving involving the whole school community.” (Learning diversity and inclusion in IB Programmes, page 1)
Aims of Inclusion
At Romerike International School the aims of inclusion are achieved by:
Affirming identity and building self esteem
- We teach all students. Education is a human right.
- We remove barriers to learning for every member of the school community
- We empower the rights and responsibilities of all students in the school community to fully participate in an IB education
- We utilise the learning diversity as a resource within each learning situation to build an inclusive community (including multilingualism as outlined in the language policy)
- We ensure that all students in the school community have a voice and are heard
- We assess prior learning so that relevant incremental steps are incorporated into the learning process
- We ensure that all learners belong and experience equal opportunities to participate and engage in learning
- We support learning from a strength based perspective
- We ensure that all students in the school community develop the IB learner profile ● Wo ensure that all students experience success as a key component of learning
- We foster the development of independent learning
Extending learning
- We enable assessment that provides all learners with opportunities to demonstrate their learning (as outlined in the assessment policy)
- We incorporate technology in our learning to support our existing curriculum (as outlined in the IT policy)
- We plan our teaching to ensure variability is accounted for
- We make sure that each student is exposed to teaching and learning that reaches them as individual learners
- We create optimal learning environments, where mistakes are valued and assumptions challenged (as outlined in the School Environment Policy)
- We incorporate the whole school community and take into account the voices of all learners. (Students, staff, parents and caregivers)
- We develop skills to create self-regulated learners through the ATL skills
Valuing prior knowledge
- We ensure full potential is unlocked through connecting with, and building on previous knowledge
- We clearly understand that diversity includes all members of a community
- We perform a holistic assessment of their background knowledge, understandings and needs to support and extend learning
- We recognise that there are gaps and overlaps in learning for each individual
Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programmes (2016)
Meeting student learning diversity in the classroom (2013)
Norwegian Education Act / Opplæringsloven §5
The Independent School Act (Friskoleloven) §2-3, §3
Regulations to the Independent School Act (Forskrift til Friskoleloven) Ch. 3 Rundskriv F-12/2006, pkt 1.2 side 2
Forvaltningsloven kap VI (Om saksforberedelse ved enkeltvedtak)
Guidelines for Special Education (Veileder til Spesialundervisning)
Adapted from ThIS Inclusion Policy